Stored Energy Systems

Stored Energy Systems

1840 Industrial Circle, Longmont, CO 80501

AboutStored Energy Systems

SENS non-stop DC power systems, mission-critical filtered chargers and engine start chargers keep vital industries in business by helping insure against the risk of loss of life and property in case of commercial power outage.

SENS is synonymous with reliability. Our battery charging algorithms bring out the battery’s full life and performance potential. SENS meticulous design and quality control delivers charger reliability as close to “bulletproof” as is technically possible. For SENS users these dual reliability advantages mean lowest risk of costly downtime.

Many customers praise our high-energy, responsive service. Everyone on the SENS team understands the critical nature of customer operations, and shares the vision that fast, accurate service is important to you. Our lean production system, for example, delivers a combination of high quality, fast delivery and competitive pricing that is unique to SENS.

SENS is a partner in the success of many energy, utility, communication, and process manufacturing companies. We look forward to becoming a partner in your success.

SENS protects critical infrastructure from shutdown due to power loss

The keystone technology of modern life is electric power. Without it there is no fresh water, food, heat, communications, financial system, health care or government.

SENS products are vital in protecting the power grid from serious damage due to natural disaster. They also deliver short-term standby power when grid power fails. Today our ultra-reliable products are trusted components of the energy infrastructure on every continent of the globe – even Antarctica.

Since 1971 SENS has been designing and manufacturing industrial-strength DC power systems and utility-grade battery chargers that deliver non-stop, round-the-clock power to critical industrial controls in the midst of unpredictable and potentially catastrophic AC power disruptions.

Some of the best-known oil and gas providers, utilities, data centers, hospitals and government operations, such as air traffic control, depend on tens of thousands of SENS products to keep electric power, information, transportation and industrial processes from failing due to lack of power.

You can depend on SENS too.

What makes SENS different?

  • We focus relentlessly on our mission of protecting critical infrastructure from shutdown due to power loss
  • Our people are passionate about meeting our customer commitment to  provide rock-solid, class-leading battery system dependability, delivered on time, every time
  • We continue to deliver product innovations that for most customers provide the lowest total cost solution