SIT Automation

SIT Automation

Viale Alessandro Volta, 2/4 20090 CUSAGO Milan - ITALY

AboutSIT Automation


Our goal is to offer innovative and competitive mechatronic products and solutions for every industrial application.

Who we are

SIT Automation is a reality that supports its partners during the complete development of the application in all its phases:

requirements analysis, evaluation of the best solution, prompt supply of components, technical assistance in the start-up phase.

Our team

It is made up of people who make use of experience gained in the field in over 30 years of activity in the mechatronics sector , guaranteeing a professionally high service, with an effective path that goes from understanding the objectives to support in implementation, up to to point of the prototype .


SIT Automation collaborates with strategic suppliers-partners , which stand out for the offer of reliable, competitive and high-performance products. The close collaboration combined with the competence of our technicians allows the development of optimized solutions from an economic / performance point of view.


Market needs require immediate responses . For this reason, SIT Automation has always considered prompt delivery an essential resource for responding in a timely manner to the needs of its partners.