Proximion AB

Proximion AB

Skalholtsgatan 10, 164 40 Kista, Sweden

AboutProximion AB

We Optimize Your Fiber Optic Solutions

Proximion is the world leader in design and manufacturing of advanced Fiber Bragg Gratings (FBGs). Our FBGs can be perfectly tailored to any customer requirement. We improve our customers' products and systems by bringing this versatile technology to challenging areas within telecommunications, heavy industry and aerospace.

Within telecommunication our products and solutions are today shipped in volume to the majority of the ten leading system vendors, which represent approximately 90 percent of the telecommunication market.

As a fully owned subsidiary within the Hexatronic Group we offer our customers the stability and transparency of being listed at NASDAQ, combined with immediacy and agility of an entrepreneurial company that provides state-of-the-art subsystems to market leaders within various industries.