Mikkelsen Electronics A/S

Mikkelsen Electronics A/S

Havremarken 3-5, DK-3520 Farum, Denmark

AboutMikkelsen Electronics A/S

Established 1971 Registration no: DK 15603712 Employees: more than 50 100% Danish owned CEO: Kim Christiansen How may we help you? With this simple question we have developed our vision - a partner in progress. By being your partner in progress we hope you will invite us on board in your projects so that we can work out the most flexible and correct solution for your application. In short: we offer you a cooperation with you and your project in the middle - a partnership aimed at the best possible soloution. Customized for your production Sometimes standard products can be used and at other times it is necessary to develop a specific product for a specific project or to modify existing products. For this you need a partner that understands your project and can carry this knowledge into the production process. A long lasting relationship with our suppliers is your guarantee that we are in a position where we can develop special solutions fitting exactly to your product. Our mission : to minimize the time from idea to market for our customers to enhance the competitiveness and profit of our customers to develop strategic partnerships and be an integrated part of our cutomer's business Our vision : to be your partner in progress By working closely together with our customers our aim is to add value to your product.