GJ Machine AS

GJ Machine AS

Furlia Industriområde, 6260 Skodje, Norway

AboutGJ Machine AS

GJ Machine AS and RobotNorge AS join forces to strengthen the Trolltunga Robotics Group.

Trolltunga Robotics AS is expanding its focus on creating a profitable and sustainable production industry in the Nordic region. Competence is strengthened, the product and service spectrum is increased and the market expands when the Sunnmøre company GJ Machine now becomes part of the group.

The Trolltunga Robotics Group already consists of RobNor in Malmö, RobotNorge and Byte Motion in Klepp. Byte Motion is a start-up company in artificial intelligence and vision & software aimed at robotics. GJ Machine in Skodje outside Ålesund has its core competence in automation. GJ Machine and RobotNorge complement each other in terms of competence and market, and know each other well through a long-term partnership agreement related to the integration of robots and systems from ABB Robotics.

GJ Machine and RobotNorge have had large deliveries in the process and food industry, among other places, and are now carrying out innovative projects for companies such as TINE, Q-dairies and Wiig Gartneri.

GJ Machine becomes a sister company to RobotNorge by Trolltunga Robotics buying the majority shareholding in GJ Machine. Jean-Marc Launay will take over as general manager of GJ Machine in a transitional phase. Founder Gunnar Johnsen will continue as a driving force and key person in the company. The acquisition will mean a significant increase in management and board competence in GJ Machine.

The Trolltunga Robotics group, including GJ Machine, had a turnover of approx. 170 MNOK. The total of 60 employees has a significant overall competence. Trolltunga Robotics has the prerequisites and ambitions to provide even better customer experiences, as well as develop new innovative robot solutions.


GJ Machine's history dates back to 1989 when Gunnar Johnsen started delivering equipment to the food industry, with another owner.

In 2000 Gunnar left the company and started for himself Gunnar Johnsen EK

In 2006 we became AS and we changed our name to Gunnar Johnsen Machine AS. Shareholders 50/50 Lisbet and Gunnar Johnsen

In 2014 name change to GJ Machine AS

As a specialist in automation and tailoring of solutions in automation and stainless steel, other industries became familiar with us and we have since delivered to many different industries.

Today we supply high technology and automated production line for all process industry