Hardy Process Solutions, Inc.

Hardy Process Solutions, Inc.

10075 Mesa Rim Road San Diego, CA 92121 USA

HI 4050CW check weighing system

HI 4050CW check weighing system

HI 4050CW check weighing system

Give Your Check Weighing an EDGE

How important is using a Hardy Check Weighing bundle in your process?

Weve done the math for you:

  • Your system produces 250 cans packs per minute with an uptime of 85%/year.
  • Overfill is 2 grams per pack.
  • Product cost of $0.001 per gram.
  • Overfill cost per year = $223,380
  • Reduction of just 1 gram overfill per pack =$111,690 savings per year.

The high speed HI 4050CW check weighing system can process up to 250 high resolution (1:30:000) weight measurements per second. The 4050CW consists of a special version of the HI 4050 weight controller connected to up to four analog load cells and a Hardy junction box. The HI 4050CW is perfect for building new systems for either static or dynamic check weighing or retrofitting the weight electronics of older, less reliable systems.

The 4050CW breaks the traditional analog strain gauge “speed barrier”, without the cost of MFR (Magnetic Force Restoration or other similar high speed/resolution technologies) yet it still delivers accuracies of up to 0.01% of full sensor capacity.


A HI 4050CW system is made of Commercially Available Off the Shelf (COTS) parts that are easy to understand, maintain and troubleshoot. Connect to your plant-wide system using standard protocols such as EtherNet/IP, ControlNet, Profibus-DP, Modbus TCP/IP, or Analog. It features a lower Total Cost of Ownership because it's simple to use, calibrate, integrate, and maintain. A Rockwell Add-On-Profile makes it easy to configure with RSLogix.


Smart features of the HI 4050CW include EDGE detection, an algorithm that optimizes when weight readings are captured

  • Automatic EDGE detection starts weight processing the instant a load settles onto the scale by monitoring changes in the signal waveform from connected load point.
  • Also works in conjunction with up to two additional external sensors such as photo-eyes to optimize process timing of weight readings.

Connect the HI 4050CW to up to four ADVANTAGE® load points and a Hardy IT junction box for high speed, high resolution weight readings compatible with C2 calibration

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