Heinrich-Hertz-Str. 1 D-72622 Nürtingen Germany

StoraXe PowerBooster

StoraXe PowerBooster

Additional value due to optimal network use Quick charging directly in distribution networks

Quick charging stations with high capacity are an important component of the electromobility infrastructure. Sufficient power capacity for the connection of quick charging stations is not always available. The ADS-TEC battery system, the PowerBooster, provides high capacity for the charging process while energy is recharged at the available network connection point at low power. This not only saves time, but also eliminates the need for elaborate medium-voltage systems, building cost subsidies or expensive network expansion.

Areas of application

  • PowerBooster for the supply of quick charging stations in

limited-power distribution networks

  • “District storage” for local, physical network services such

as peak capping, reactive power, etc.

  • “Current bank” as a district alternative to individual

home storage systems for the optimisation of

individual consumption

  • “Swarm solution” through the networking of many

decentralised modules into powerful clusters, operated

in a virtual power plant or in a superordinate energy

management system

  • “Operating options” such as peak capping, frequency

regulation, dynamic flexibility yield, reactive power, etc.

Additional value

  • Easy to transport

  • Installation outside directly at the site

  • Compact form with powerful technology

  • Integrated inverter with battery, energy

management unit, security / firewall and

communication unit via mobile radio

  • Direct AC connection to distribution networks at

400 V level

  • Simple installation and set-up

  • Quick integration into virtual power plants and

external IT systems

  • Open interfaces for individual adaptation in projects

Product Enquiry

SSL Secure Connection