Danish Geothermal District Heating

Soren Berg lorenzen
About: Soren Berg lorenzen - Managing Director

The red thread through my professional life is renewable energy. I am passionate about the green transformation of the energy sector. I have increasingly gained this opportunity to combine with my interest in management and work with people and development

1. What regions do you see as having the most geothermal potential and why?
With regards to electricity production, it seems obvious that areas with a very high geothermal gradient still holds the greatest potential, at least as long as EGS is still under development. But the direct use is in my eyes greatly overlooked, as there is potential for geothermal direct use almost anywhere in the world. This fits very nicely with the fact that the need for heating in many countries – especially in the more temperate climates – is in fact much higher than the electricity demand. So a greater focus on direct use – also within the industry – would be very beneficial.

2. What do you think have been the biggest advancement in helping the growth of the industry?
Risk mitigation mechanisms – especially national guarantee funds – have been crucial for the geothermal development in many countries, e.g. France and the Netherlands. Other countries should follow these good examples.

3. What’s your top tip to those trying to enter the industry and having a successful project?
Make sure you cooperate with others with the necessary knowledge and experience.

4. What’s the most important de-risking strategy?
Once again: nothing beats knowledge and experience in making sure a geothermal project is well planned and executed.